Poem: From the Shadow of my Lover

Dreaming of a Jaguar - Bonnie Fry

From the Shadow of My Lover

When I sleep, my lover’s shadow reveals his power. 
With hundreds of eyes he sees what danger lurks.    
When I sleep, his protection covers like a blanket.      
He slips silently through city or country jungle
To drink from the emerging fresh fountain of magic water.
From his underworld kingdom he carries dreams of riches.  
No one else sees such a treasure hidden or suspects it.

When I sleep, he shows me riches, how to claim them,
Make them visible, tangible, audible, and spendable,
Make them palpable in the waking world we share.

Aikya Param
© 2022

The Benicia First Tuesday Poets’ Group and members of Benicia Literary Arts have written ekphrastic poems about paintings from our show, Watercolor - A Happy Medium.

Ekphrastic poems are vivid verbal descriptions of a work of art. Fifteen different poets each came to the aRt Cottage to pick one pieces from each of the 15 artists in the show. We'll be sharing the poetry here on the blog over the next several days - enjoy!