Poem: Day Trippers


Day Trippers by Ruth Miller

Day Trippers

Beach bicycles navigate
Rough cobbled paths
Beams of light ignite
Kaleidoscope colors 
Sun filtered emotions  
Delight spirits to dance
Gusts of ocean air
Tangle hair in disarray
Laughter follows behind

Sand-covered lovers
Inhale fragrant breaths
Warmed by exertion
Seagulls squawk overhead
Race to the water
Boats bump the dock
Hearts beat in rhythm  
Seaside shops lure  
Travelers to their repast

Aromas of brewed coffee
Mated with baked croissants
Encourage seasoned riders’
Reflection upon years
Tasty morsels savored
Tender moments shared
Memories created to last
For when they cannot ride
Bicycles to the shore

Sandra Simmer
© 2022

The Benicia First Tuesday Poets’ Group and members of Benicia Literary Arts have written ekphrastic poems about paintings from our show, Watercolor - A Happy Medium.

Ekphrastic poems are vivid verbal descriptions of a work of art. Fifteen different poets each came to the aRt Cottage to pick one pieces from each of the 15 artists in the show.